Empresa: Colegio Marymount

Localidad: Cuernavaca


Tipo de Contrato: Tiempo Completo
We are looking for a dedicated, passionate teacher that has the ability to create a safe learning environment, as well as someone that can work collaboratively in a team with a positive attitude.
Place: Cuernavaca, Morelos
Education: Bachelor's degree in: Pedagogy / Preschool education / Primary education / Languages
Licenses & Certifications: Professional degree and certificate / Teaching Knowledge Test / Teacher´s diploma course
Minimum experience: 3 years as an English teacher preferably in bilingual or bicultural schools at preschool level.
It is essential to be proficient in the English language.
Positive attitude towards the teaching-learning process.
Planning and organization of educational content.
Assertive, oral and written communication.
Classroom management skills including group control.
Conscious discipline management
knowledge in inclusion programs.
Terms of Employment:
Full time job.
Benefits greater than those offered by law.
Excellent working environment.
Direct hiring by the school (NOT BY OUTSOURCING).
Our School strives to create an inclusive environment that welcomes and values the diversity of our students and staff. We foster equity and inclusion to create a workplace environment where everyone is treated with respect and dignity. This is a school that provides an academically challenging environment for our students, and we are interested in finding the best candidate for the position. We welcome people who share our values and passion to join our team.
Thank you for being interested in working with us.

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